Four Henderson sophomore boys: Eric Howe, Kyle Wicka, Nigel Satenstein and Jack Gergel, conducted a Toy Drive to benefit the children of Chester, PA. The boys were able to collect over 1,200 toys for children ages 6-12! They sorted them by age and gender and then priced them at 10% of their actual cost (between $1 and $5).
On Saturday, December 17th the boys set up the Andrew L. Hicks, Jr. Foundation Toy Store and invited all of the children who participate in the Biddy Basketball League at the Boys and Girls Club of Chester to come in after their basketball game and shop with $10 in fake money! The store was open from 9am until 6pm with 20-25 children coming through every hour. Each child was paired with a West Chester high
school student or adult who acted as their personal shopping assistant. When the children were all finished choosing their gifts, they were treated to hot chocolate and cookies while their gifts were wrapped for them for Christmas.
Special efforts were added by the following groups who also collected toys:
Boy Scout Troop #105 out of Saints Phillip and James in Exton
Widener University Athletic Program
Westminster Presbyterian Church’s High School Youth Group, Imago Dei
Chester County Running Company also asked for a new toy donation instead of an entrance fee to their Prediction Run on December 10th.
One other West Chester young man, 6th grader Matthew Whoriskey, conducted his own Pajama Drive to go along with the Toy Drive. East Goshen Elementary School added to the Foundation’s efforts by collecting hats, gloves, and scarves. Every child received pajamas and gloves in addition to their toys.
The event was a huge success. We are so grateful for the countless families who supported our efforts with generous gift giving, financial contributions and for the boxes and boxes of toys which were delivered to our homes from all over the country! The children were so appreciative as they humbly received your gifts. Many chose gifts for their friends and siblings rather than spending the entire $10 on themselves. It truly was a magnificent day!
Special Thanks:
The Howe Family
Lisa Wicka, Allstate Insurance
Learning Express, Exton
Analytical Graphics, Inc.
Nashville Wraps
WaWa Inc.
Giant Food Stores
Kim McLaughlin
Eric Schmitt
Mike Matthias
Rebecca Meehan
Connor Ward
Will Trippley Youth Development Foundation