Many books have already been collected by the Foundation for donation to the Frederick Douglass Christian School in Chester. In the early fall of 2010, hundreds of books, both new and used, have been given to the library at the school. Those in great condition, and all hard back books have been cataloged and added to the library. The gently used books were given to the children of the school so that they can take them home to practice their reading.
Henderson High School in West Chester, PA also collected hundreds of books in an effort to promote literacy in Chester. These books were taken down to Chester on October 30, 2010 and distributed to everyone who attended the 9th Street Open House Fall Carnival. Books were available for everyone from the littlest children to adults as well. All of these books were donated by the Administration, staff and students of Andrew’s high school, B. Reed Henderson High School, West Chester, PA in support of the Andrew L. Hicks, Jr. Foundation.
In May of 2011, Exton Elementary, the elementary school where Andrew attended K-4th grades, sponsored a Book Fair and were able to collect about $700 in books for the children in Chester. One chapter book is being donated to each of the 80 children who will be attending Camp Paradise in August of 2011. In addition many, many hard back books were donated to the library at the Frederick Douglass Christian School in Chester where Andrew stayed while on his summer mission trips to Chester.