Meet and Greet 10/14/12

Over 120 Henderson High School students signed up for the Warrior Guides Club this year; each one enthusiastically anticipating a new and important friendship with a Chester 5th grader.  Almost 100 Chester 5th graders have joined the program to date and the Andrew L. Hicks, Jr. Foundation is working with elementary school principals to encourage another 20 students to join the club.

On Sunday, October 14th, the Henderson Warrior Guides went to the Chester Boys and Girls Club to meet the Chester children who had joined the program.  The large group of children played lots of games together, all designed and run by Adult Volunteer, Lisa Daugherty.  Lisa did a great job creating games that would get the kids to warm up to one another and the games eventually revealed to each Chester student who his or her Warrior Guide was.  There was lots of excitement in the gym as the pairs were matched up and then everyone enjoyed a trail mix together while getting to know each other!

The group is looking forward to their first event together which will be a Henderson football game on October 26th!



Special Thanks:

Chester Boys and Girls Club
Krapf Bus Company


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