Warrior Guides is off to a quick start this year with 120 matched pairs. The Henderson High School students have again superseded our expectations with over 100 students anxious and excited to be a part of the program. Henderson High School graciously hosted the Warrior Guides for the school’s football game against West Chester East High School.
The afternoon began with the Chester Braves arriving at the gymnasium around 5:00pm. They were treated to a granola bar and a water bottle on the bus since many of them came directly from school. Once they got to the gym, they were introduced to their Guide; although many of them are repeat pairs from last year. Those new Chester 5th graders were really excited, but a bit nervous to meet their Guide, but in no time at all the kids were laughing and playing and having fun together.
The pairs quickly moved into the Cafeteria for a delicious Chick-FIl-A sandwich, a bag of chips, an apple, a cookie and a bottle of water. Once everyone was hydrated, and well fed, and had the opportunity to paint their faces in Warrior colors, the entire crowd moved outside to the football stadium.
Athletic Director Ken McCormick and his Assistant Jen Ford, are always so gracious to save an entire section of the bleachers for the Warrior Guides. the kids were seated and enjoyed the Senior Night festivities before the game began. The Chester kids became a fantastic cheering section for the Warriors. The cheerleaders, led by coach, Anne Blythe, welcomed the Braves onto the track, a few at a time, to join the cheerleaders as they rooted on the team. That might have been the highlight of the game!
Congratulations to the Warriors for defeating East. The Warrior Guides are already looking forward to their next meeting at PPL Park for the Army/Navy Men’s Soccer Game.
Special Thanks:
Henderson High School Athletic Department
Arianna’s Gourmet Cafe
Krapf Bus Company